Manure sales are booming , the prices per m³ of manure have risen gi-gan-tically this year in certain regions ! An enormous cost item for the livestock farmer where the derogation has already been partially or completely phased out this year. Often a reason to put secondary investments on the back burner. Many of our colleagues also heard that they would rather have that in the manure, but not in the entire storage… “Then we pay the additive for the buyer!” and “We don’t get any money on the manure” were some of the reactions. It is completely right that people are consciously working on this, however there is a considerable added value and saving by manure treated with AgriMestMix ® or Compost-O®!
In the Netherlands, manure is disposed of based on the nitrogen content in the manure. This is not done on the basis of fixed data, but by the manure samples that one has taken. Then it is a fairly simple calculation method, an x number of kg of nitrogen must be removed, the more nitrogen in a m³ of manure, the faster you reach the x number.
With treated manure, a large part of the nitrogen is stored in the manure instead of being lost via emissions. This means that more nitrogen remains stored than in the untreated version of the same manure. As a result , the number of kilos of nitrogen to be removed is achieved more quickly with fewer cubic meters of manure.
One could say it is a win-win situation, because less manure needs to be removed (saving costs), and more nitrogen is available in a more usable form for the company itself (saving even more costs) and the return on the company and the manure to be retained increases!
Would you like to know what else is possible with Rinagro products ? Or would you like to brainstorm with someone about how this exactly works with sales savings?
Feel free to contact us, or approach your regional advisor. We/they will be happy to help you!