Compost-O in pig farming

A well-known phenomenon in pig farming is that there is a layer settling in the cellar, this thick fraction that remains behind in the manure cellars at pig farms. This ensures that there is not enough storage space left for the remaining manure.
Rinagro B.V. markets the product Compost-O since 2010 to breakdown organic material. This product is also the solution for the remaining pig manure! With Compost-O you can convert / mineralize the remaining manure and comes out with the thin manure. Other advantages are that gases such as ammonia and methane are significantly reduced, resulting in high-quality manure.

Benefits of using Compost-O

  • Improves homogeneity of your slurry.
  • No crust formation and zinc layers due to degradation of the organic material.
  • Reduction of odor due to reduction of methane and ammonia emissions: environmental gain.


Also benefit the working principles of Compost-O

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