Solid manure, slurry and digestate are the most well-known forms of excrement that can so far benefit from treatment with Rinagro’s aerobic bacterial mineral mixture treatment. However, municipalities have even more types of residual flows that should be processed in a sustainable manner. Until now, external parties are still responsible for the removal and processing of these flows.

One of these parties is therefore responsible for disposing of the dog faeces that are collected in the appropriate containers. Yes, you read that right, the excrement of the dogs… So far, these are only collected in bags in containers in parks and at exhaust fields. The contents of these smaller containers are then brought together in 1 large container and disposed of.

Increasingly, these external parties also want to work more sustainably and with as few movements and transports as possible. This also applies to the transport and processing of dog faeces. In the ideal situation, the thin fraction from the large storage container should be treated in such a way that it could be dumped into the sewer. This is to be able to close the cycle a bit more.

However, the problems that arise with this are the following:

Plastic: the bags in which the faeces are collected are made of plastic. This in itself is not climate-friendly and „Renewable“.

Smell: During storage time in both the small trash cans in parks and the large collection container, an extremely penetrating smell of dog feces is released. Local residents as well as the employees of the processing company do not see this as pleasant.

Pathogens: Dog feces are known as a breeding ground for pathogens. Very high concentrations of pathogens can be found here. If these are still active and therefore harmful to humans and animals, the risks involved in overflowing into the sewer are unprecedented. The pathogens then end up in the drinking water via the purification system, after which it ends up in humans.

Through our contacts in and around the municipalities, we came into contact with a processing company. Meetings were planned in which we shared our experiences and knowledge in various areas. In the end, we started a small-scale test to test and investigate the possibilities within dog poop treatment.

This test would start with biodegradable dog poop bags. However, after a few months it became clear that the bags were not biodegradable… As a result, the test was expanded to see which plastics might be biodegradable. However, this has led to the same findings so far. At the moment a suitable solution is being sought for this challenge, giving up is not an option at Rinagro!

In addition to the ongoing trial, experiments were also carried out with faeces without bags in various doses of Compost-O®-Super. The observations already led to results… These results were so positive that it was decided to expand the project. A truck container full of dog poop was collected and placed in a designated area. According to the project partner, his employees and local residents, the air was unbearable!

On the same afternoon Compost-O®-Super was added to the whole. After which the smell was gone the next day! The first challenge has already been tackled.

Finally, samples were taken regularly during the test. Our lab assistant, Mrs. Beljaars, took care of this. She has partly studied it herself and in addition, she has engaged an external laboratory that could take care of the in-depth investigations.

The first results are promising. The activity of the pathogens is greatly reduced. This does not immediately mean that there was a complete ineffectiveness, because the pathogens depend on the living environment. If they are unfavourable, they are inactive/more inactive, if they are favourable, the pathogen becomes active/more active. The latest data shows that the inactivity has continued completely and the pathogens have not survived the addition. This is very positive! This means that there is a possibility that the thin fraction from the upper part of the storage basin could be transferred to the sewer without risk.

An entire development in the processing range with which new steps can be taken towards a more sustainable and efficient society. With the last obstacle, the plastic of the bags… We will continue with that too!