EU Öko Rechtsregulations, Demeter International, are the first two slogans at the top of the organic certificate that FIBL sent us. A complete list of names of quality standards in the organic landscape where the Masecol product may now be used.

Recently, at the beginning of April, we received approval that Masecol has been officially approved for use in organic agriculture!

We were extremely happy that we managed to get Masecol on the FIBL list in Germany.

We are talking about Masecol here and not Mascol, what exactly is that?

For our Dutch customers it is Mascol, but internationally we speak of Masecol.

It is now a well-known and used product by many farmers at home and abroad. Either for sick/feverish cows, or for cows with mastitis of various kinds. Various side applications have also emerged from practical experience, such as lowering high cell counts (“millionaires”) and drying off cows. All in all, there are countless possibilities in which Mascol/Masecol can be used.

The majority of applications so far have taken place in dairy farms, but it should not be forgotten that Mascol/Masecol can also be used in other animals such as; sheep, goats, horses, etc.

Want to know more about Mascol/Masecol? Ask your advisor, or order here via our website.

For our Dutch customers it is Mascol, but internationally we speak of Masecol. Recently, at the beginning of April, we received approval that Masecol has been officially approved for use in organic agriculture!
We were very surprised and happy that Masecol succeeded in getting Masecol on the FIBL list in Germany. This list also indicates that it can be applied to Demeter internationally.

Want to know more about Mascol/Masecol? Ask your advisor, or order here via our website .