The knut has been terrorizing many flocks of sheep for several months . The little creature spreads disease and destruction among the sheep, in many cases resulting in the worst possible scenario, death. Where does the midge come from? Why is this animal still active and is there really nothing you can do about it?

The midge is a small mosquito that, like several mosquito species, originates from areas with stagnant water and little wind. Partly because the average temperature remains quite high, they are active for a long time.
Like many other mosquito species, the midge also poses a risk of spreading disease. Now we are mainly dealing with the spread of bluetongue, but there are several diseases that this fly can carry. Another disease that the midge can carry, which is dangerous to livestock farms, is the Schmallenberg virus.

Bluetongue is what we are all most concerned about right now. Mainly because the vast majority of infections lead to mortality, causing significant animal suffering and veterinarians being at a loss.
Moreover, the infections not only exist among sheep, but cows are now also victims of the disease. Then both lactating and non-lactating people are at risk. These get spontaneous mastitis and this makes a significant dent in the cows’ immune system.

As soon as the veterinarians no longer know what to do to save the sick animals, they start looking for alternatives. This also applies to a customer who reported to a dealer. Since the dealer in question had more experience with the applications of our products in sheep, they started some tests.

Treatment is intended to remove the pathogen from the body. By making the living environment unfavorable, the pathogen is unable to survive in the infected/sick animal. However, with an animal that is already in a very bad condition, it depends entirely on which stage of the disease it is in.
The disease of bluetongue in its worst stages can cause serious damage to the organs. This in combination with the other symptoms (difficulty swallowing, not eating, diarrhea, etc.) can lead to irreversible damage that will be fatal. It is therefore important to be there as soon as possible.

Do you want to know more? Or do you have any experiences or tips regarding our products for bluetongue or other diseases? We’d love to hear from you.