The influence of AgriMestMix on the parts of manure and gras


Introduction. This study was carried out within the scope of a graduation assignment in the study programme Animal and Dairy Farming at the Van Hall institute in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. (2005). This study was carried out on assignment from Rinagro BV in Piaam, the Netherlands.   Results of the test. The manure treated with AgriMestMix contains 0.3kg/ton [...]

The influence of AgriMestMix on the parts of manure and gras2014-03-04T14:34:22+01:00

Improving manure quality scores!!


Last Thursday (27 August), at the invitation of the study association in Noordbroek (Groningen) and surrounding areas, a demonstration was given at Mr Vermue's farm to show what the effects of improving manure quality are. Enthusiastic interest, increased nutritional value of the grass and a fresher stable climate were only a few results achieved with better quality [...]

Improving manure quality scores!!2014-03-04T14:33:05+01:00

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from solid manure storage


Exploratory research at Wageningen University in the emissions of greenhouse gas emissions from solid manure worked with Agri-mestgives rise to further research.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from solid manure storage2014-03-04T14:10:20+01:00
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