Update project NH


Last year we already informed you about the start of the project in North Holland. The planning for the small test setup was delayed due to circumstances. However, this did not stop the project group from immediately taking action and making plans on how this should be handled. The entire small-scale trial has been combined in [...]

Update project NH2024-05-28T12:11:26+02:00

Contractor uses Compost-O ® as a ‘biostimulant’ for arable farming


Although Jan Blankendaal's use of compost improver Compost-O® may still be in its infancy, the contractor from Spierdijk in North Holland is convinced of its effect. “You help bring the soil back into balance and restart soil life,” he describes. He is now looking for buyers for the end product, which, according to Blankendaal, has major [...]

Contractor uses Compost-O ® as a ‘biostimulant’ for arable farming2024-05-28T12:09:32+02:00

Experiences of dairy farmer Koopman; “Adding value to the manure”


Dairy farmer Jan Koopman from the North Holland Westwoud treats his manure with AgriMestMix®. A mineral mixture based on patented bacteria from Rinagro that initiates important biochemical processes in liquid manure. Organic nitrogen is converted into bound ammonium nitrogen, which is released earlier and more evenly for the crop. Whether it concerns grass or tulips that [...]

Experiences of dairy farmer Koopman; “Adding value to the manure”2024-05-28T12:07:25+02:00

Interim report on composting and agriculture, WUR


Last spring (May 2023), our colleague Wouter and Mr. Joustra attended the interim experiences of Wageningen University (WUR) with regard to composting through a digital meeting. The compost that was created was analyzed, spread and the results were again reported. Shortly after the meeting, an interim report on the composting tests was published, which can be [...]

Interim report on composting and agriculture, WUR2024-05-28T12:04:41+02:00

Pension Pé Schuiringa


Our well-respected colleague Pé Schuiringa was officially allowed to retire in the Netherlands at the end of November. His customers in Groningen have already noticed this through the follow-up of Wouter Zoer, our colleague who you can encounter in Groningen and certain corners of Friesland. Together with Pé, Wouter has been visiting customers piece by piece [...]

Pension Pé Schuiringa2024-05-28T12:01:43+02:00

New colleague; Hinrich Ufkes


Hinrich Ufkes, born in 1968 in the municipality of Großefehn in East Friesland, started his career in 1985 with an apprenticeship as a farmer, followed by final vocational training to become a recognized farmer in Aurich. He worked as a business assistant in various companies, but eventually an expansion of his family and marriage brought him [...]

New colleague; Hinrich Ufkes2024-05-28T11:58:32+02:00

Agrar Messe Leipzig


From Thursday April 11 to Sunday April 14, Leipzig was in commotion, cattle trucks with sheep, horses, cows, but also alpacas, llamas and so on... All animal species were transported en masse to the exhibition halls in Leipzig. This weekend, the Agrar 2024 took place in the large exhibition complex in Leipzig. A two-year fair that [...]

Agrar Messe Leipzig2024-05-28T11:56:23+02:00

AgroTech Kielce (PL) and a short project update


As you may be aware, we have been participating in, among others, the PIB and the DHI in Poland for some time. We are committed to sustainable agriculture in which soil health and its optimization are central. To promote this and bring it to the attention of the Polish farmers and companies that work with them [...]

AgroTech Kielce (PL) and a short project update2024-05-27T23:27:40+02:00

Landwirtschaftsmesse Ostfriesland, Aurich


Stormy, that is the key word we can use for this edition of the Landwirtschaftsmesse in Aurich… In the last week of January, the wind raged over the tent, causing the tent to flap on its surface. A small winter storm came over Aurich exactly during the fair week. A disadvantage for the stock market? Certainly [...]

Landwirtschaftsmesse Ostfriesland, Aurich2024-05-27T23:25:39+02:00
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